Sunday, March 23, 2008

Paul Masquelier's Goodbye to WIFR

Kinda bittersweet, given he is no longer with us. He sure had a good time at WIFR, as I recall. I also recall a roomful of guys crowding into my Nap Room (also known as the announce booth) to record the "Happy Trails" whistling and horse clip-clops.

Pete's Near Miss

ALL I wanted to do was test out the new Ikegami HL-77 Camera the station had just bought. Unfortunately I chose to do so during a thunderstorm; I think I was trying to impress Sue!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The "NEW" Action News -1977?

I inherited this since it was before my time. It's in pretty poor shape, but you should enjoy.
I believe it marks Sue Mroz's first appearance on WIFR. I barely knew Kerry Donovan and Mark Ovenden (since I was weekend prompter op at that time) and never met Ken Staaf. I did enjoy Chuck Faber.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rockford Commercials 1980

I stripped these out of a Rick Moore-anchored newscast from March of 1980. Mark DeSantis does the voice track for "Knight's Armor" (a men's clothing store); Sally Kolkmeyer hosts a Lou Bachrodt Chevrolet commercial, Bill Walters voices a commercial, and many other interesting tidbits are contained herein!